A Travellerspoint blog

Holiday Overview

Highlights, Lowlights, Facts & Figures

sunny 34 °C
View Spain 2024 on RickAdderley's travel map.

We left home on 25th June and arrived back home on 25th July 2024, a total of 31 days. We travelled 2347 miles around Spain on our Harley Davidson CVO trike:


It cost us £0.15p per mile 😄.

The weather was mostly in the early to mid 30 degrees 🥵🔥 but on 2 occasions it reached 40 degrees. That was too hot to be out even in the shade.

On leaving Majaca on our way to the train museum we were stopped by the local police in a road traffic check. They were very polite and asked to see my driving licence. The Officer looked at it, a bit bewildered, and waved us on 😄.

Although the sea crossing was very calm, the constant drum of the engins did not sit well with our bodies. We were OK until we slept through the night. It was the next morning we felt out of sorts.


1. Riding the trike
2. Beautiful hot weather
3. The main roads in Spain are far superior to those in the UK. Very few pot holes and rough road repairs
4. In general, the Spanish are very good drivers. Once they overtake, they pull back in, no lane hogging. They are very forgiving, if you make a mistake there is no loud horn honking.
5. When you come to a large roundabout, often there are no lane markings, you just indicate and "weave" through the traffic and everyone lets you through 🤞.
6. Tapas mmmmmmmmmmm
7. Food in general mmmmmmmm
8. The prices to eat and drink out in hotels, bars and restaurents is much cheaper than here in the UK
9. Very good Spanish wine mmmmmmmmmmm


1. 40 degrees of heat
2. On one ride through the mountains we were engulfed in blasts of heated winds that felt the same as when you open an oven door but they blasted for several minutes at a time. It seemed that these hot blasts were "bouncing" around and down the mountains
3. Ferry crossing both ways

These are some other rides in which you may be interested:

Route 66 - probably the best tour that we have ever done

East Coast to West Coast USA

There have been on our Harley Davidson trike:

Touring Germany

Isle of Man

Posted by RickAdderley 09:31 Archived in Spain

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